Those who follow me on Twitter, or are regular readers of the blog, will know the Foodie family was recently extended with the addition of a new MiniFoodie. So, I wanted to introduce you properly to the new man in my life - MiniF2 aka the gorgeous Harry.
Already 11 weeks old (!), Harry is wooing us all with the most dazzling of smiles (yet to be fully captured on camera) and is settling in nicely, even if his equally gorgeous big brother Dillon (MiniF1) does like to occasionally show him who's boss - years of that to contend with I imagine.
I'm fitting in blogging as & when I can, mostly when the boys are asleep, feeding, or with MrF while I enjoy rare 'off duty' moments. As much as I enjoy these tranquil treats though, I ultimately hanker to get back to my boys - for they are the most delicious treats of all.
The blogging continues, if a little slower...
Foodie x

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